About Me...
Hi, I’m Rebecca. I am a neurodivergent counsellor/therapist. I am an autistic woman with ADHD (combined type) and a BACP (British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy) registered counsellor/therapist and neurodiversity consultant. I also have lived experience of chronic illness (ME/CFS and PoTS). From 2021, I became a CTAA (Complimentary Therapists Accredited Association) Accredited Strategic Life Coach and TFT/EFT (Thought Field Therapy/Emotional Freedom Technique) and hypnotherapy practitioner.
My mission is to empower and inspire women to reconnect with themselves by tapping into their inner resources. This will enable them to move forward from the past and live more authentically, creating the life and future that they have dreamt of.
Life is full of twists and turns that can throw us off course, sometimes making us feel unsure of ourselves and our purpose. This can cause a disconnect that can impact us in ways we might not have imagined and make us feel held back, lost, or ‘stuck’ in life.
I understand what it means to feel this way, as I have been there too, but by reconnecting with my authentic self, my life changed for the better.
Let me show you how…

Qualifications and Experience
2008 – Began training as a counsellor
2010 – Started a counselling degree at the University of Worcester and became the first student to set up their own counselling service as their placement. The free service was set up in a deprived area and was nominated for a BACP award (Improving Access to Therapy) in its first year. The service continued to run for ten years, in partnership with the University of Worcester and the University of South Wales.
2012 – BACP certificate in Psychopharmacology and Counselling and Psychotherapy, graduated from the University of Worcester.
2013 – NCFE Level 2 in Equality and Diversity
2015 – BACP Certificate of Proficiency, Short course in Positive Psychology with Dr Barbara L. Fredrickson at Chapel Hill University.
2017 – Present: Safeguarding Training
Working with the Gypsy, Romany and Traveller Community, Introduction to working with Unaccompanied Asylum Seeking Children (UASCs), Domestic Abuse and Violence Awareness, Working with Sexualised Behaviour and CSE, Neglect and Graded Care (NSPCC), Online Safety Live, Domestic Abuse and Coercive Control, Working With Self Harm, Domestic Abuse and Children and Young People, Universal Credit and Benefits Training with DWP, HSCB Targeted CSE Course, Surviving to Thriving – Working with UASCs, NSPCC Neglect Conference, Contextual Safeguarding.
2019 – Began working with clients online, Life Coaching Skills training and, after a late diagnosis, affirming my identity as an autistic woman and practitioner.
2021 – NVQ2 Principles of End of Life Care, BACP Online Counselling Certificate, NVQ2 Understanding Autism, Therapeutic Art Life Coaching Training, Accredited EFT/TFT (Emotional Freedom Technique/Thought Field Therapy) Tapping Beginner Practitioner (fully accredited with the CTAA), Solution Based Hypnotherapy Practitioner Certification.
2022 – Life Purpose Coach Practitioner Accreditation (fully accredited with CTAA), EFT/TFT Tapping Practitioner (fully accredited with the CTAA). ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy) Level 2 (Accreditation with the Association of Psychological Therapies (APT), Midlife MOT, Neurodiversity 101.
2023 – Exploring Issues in Women’s Health, Identity in Question, Supporting Clients to Access Autism and ADHD Assessments, Adult ADHD in the Therapy Room, Empowering Autistic Women and Girls, Dream Analysis and Therapy Diploma, Therapeutic Journalling Diploma. ACT for People Pleasing and Perfectionism, ACT with Love (ACT for relationships) study group, Building a Neurodivergent Friendly Workplace, ADHD Level Up Your Focus, Autism in Women and Girls; Keeping It All Inside, Action for Happiness Course Leader Volunteer Training, ACT for ADHD with Dr Russ Harris, Menstrual Practitioner Training, Menopause Awareness Diploma.
2024 – Somatic Institute Shadow Side of the Feminine Summit, Ultimate Clutter Clearing Workshop, Yoga Nidra Diploma, Inner Safety and Sleep, Breaking the ND Burnout Cycle, Neurodivergence and HR, Good Practice for ND Professionals, Late Discovered Autism and Menopause, Empowering Yourself as an ND Woman in the Workplace, Understanding Stalking and Harassment, Rejection Sensitivity Disorder, Introduction to Body Oriented Coaching, ACT for Stuckness, Road to Resolve Summit. Presented at the Sensory Integration Conference at the NEC.
2025 – Menopause Root Cause Method, co-author of ‘On Being an Autistic Therapist’ available via PCCS Books, Integrative Supervision Certification.